Message from Fr.Thomas Thanniyanickal, CMF
Dear my loving Parishioners,
We have celebrated the 10th anniversary of our church on 9th Feb. 2013.It was a proud moment for all of us to look back and see the growth of our parish. Over the years, we have grown from a small Christian community to a large parish community with 278 families and 1040 members.
Christianity as we know is a way of life shown by our savior and Master Jesus Christ .In order to live this way of life we need to know each other. In the Acts of the Apostles we read:”All the believers lived together in close relationship and shared their belongings with one another .They would sell their property and possessions and distribute the money among all, according to what each one needed. Day after day they met as a group in the temple and they had their meals together in their homes, eating with glad and humble hearts, praising God and enjoying the good will of all the people.”Acts 2:44-47.
This is the model Christian community that we envisage in our parish; knowing each other, sharing our joys and sorrows, wealth and health, faith and spiritual heritage with one another and thus evolve a parish community in the model of the early Christian community.
A parish Web Site with photos and other details will definitely help us in this process of knowing each other and sharing our faith and God experiences with each other and even to the whole world.
I am happy to acknowledge that we have a wonderful and growing Christian community in this parish.
Your active participation in the Divine Liturgy and ward prayers, concern for the universal church and the needy people are really praise worthy. The different Pious Associations: Mathrujyothi , Lay Claretian Movement, JACYA (Joseph And Claret Youth Association) , Altar Boys, Choir, and the Catechism teachers are the salt and light of the parish .The services of the group of mothers who are taking care of the cleaning of the church and its surrounding ,altar and vestments deserve special mention and appreciation . I consider it a privilege and a blessing to be the shepherd of this parish. I thank God, the Archbishop, the Provincial, Superior of Claretian Seminary and each one of you parishioners, for your contributions to make our parish a vibrant community.
At this juncture, I Place on record the hard work of all the Trustees, the parish council members and the families for collecting and reaching the data needed for the Web site. The tireless and hard work of Mr. Sam Mathew and his team are praise worthy. May this site help us to know, connect and communicate to each other as individuals and families and make our faces and hearts more familiar and dearer to each other.
It is a privilege for us to have His Excellency Mar Raphel Thattil, the Apostolic Visitator to officially launch this site on this day the fifth of October 2014 and bless the foundation stone for our presbytery cum catechism school. We thank His Excellency for his availability and love for our parish.
I pray God’s blessing on all families and people who open this site and contribute for its development. Wishing you all a Happy Feast of St. Antony Mary Claret, the co-patron of our parish on 24th October, I remain.
Your loving Achan.